The steps of Entering and clearance procedures in Payam Special Economic Zone

The Special Economic Zone of Payam is active as the air border of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and currently businessman and trader have an export and import goods and services from this border. Of course, awareness and acquaintance with the set of rules plays have a significant role in the activities of exporters and importers. Therefore, in this section, will be briefly informed about the way of entering and clearance procedures for the active people in this scope.

A: advisement and coordination before buying and transporting goods

B: Transporting goods from the provenance or the point of entering

C: Transporting goods from point of entering to the special economic zone of Payam

D: The steps of transferring the goods to the warerooms of Payam Special Economic Zone and obtaining the wareroom receipt

E:The steps to transferring the goods to appropriative warerooms with place of production

F: The steps to emit negotiable wareroom receipt and provenance certificate and separate wareroom receipt

G: The steps to clearance and outlet of goods from the region by customs placed in Payam Special Economic Zone

A: advisement and coordination before buying and transporting goods

  1.  Visiting in person or by using phone with the headquarters office in Tehran and consulting with experts in the  scope of assistance of customs affairs in the zone to awareness about the regulations for the entering of goods into the zone and the maintenance of goods in the zone .
  2.  Submission of a written request for the entering of goods with the purpose of prior coordination
  3.  Obtaining an entering of goods permit by mentioning the specifications from the headquarters office of customs affairs of the zone

B: Transporting goods from the provenance or the point of entering

  1.  Mentioning the abbreviation name of the zone in the Transporting documents from the provenance as the final destination
  2.  Entering into a contract with a transport company
  3. Obtaining plume

C: Transporting goods from point of entering to the special economic zone of Payam

  1. Road (ground) transportation

 1-1The goods after entering the border customs if relying on the TIR carnet of international transport regulations a road (Transport International Road), it will be transported directly to Payam Special Economic Zone with minimal formalities and as soon as possible without unloading, loading and stopping.

  1-2In case of not relying on the Tir carnet, the goods will be declared by the transport company to the border customs and after completing the transit formalities by depositing sufficient guarantee (insurance) will be transited to the destination of Payam Special Economic Zone.

1.Rail transportation

If the goods are transported by the railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran, after entering the border of Iran, transit formalities will be performed similar to ground transportation and the goods will be transported to the nearest transport station and from the mentioned station to the zone in the presence of the convoy agent .

(If you want to using the above-mentioned transportation, Coordinate with the railways and customs beforehand)

3- Air transportation

Further advantage of Payam Special Economic Zone is the Placement of this zone at Payam International Airport, which provides direct air import and export in this zone.

4- Sea transportation

If the goods are transported by waterways, after the goods entering to the customs of the water borders and the requested of  the transport company or the owner of the goods based on transit to the special economic zone, the formalities transit and transfer  are performed.

5- Domestic transportation

Goods that do not have legal and judicial prohibitions can be transferred to Payam's special economic zone after obtaining the agreement to entering of goods to the zone and the request of the owner of the goods

D: The steps of transferring the goods to the warerooms of Payam Special Economic Zone and obtaining the wareroom receipt

  1.  Referring of the representative of the transport company to the customs officials established in the zone for permission to evacuate and confirm the integrity of the provenance customs seal
  2.  Referring of the representative of the transport company to the officials of customs business of the zone to allow the truck to entering the zone
  3.  Weighing the goods in the weighbridge established in the zone and obtaining the Weighbridge receipt
  4.  Referring to the liable  of evacuation and loading to performing evacuation tasks
  5.  Referring to the officials of the determined wareroom and evacuation the goods at the predicted place and obtaining the wareroom receipt for the delivery of goods to public or private warerooms

E:The steps to transferring the goods to appropriative warerooms with place of production

  1.  After going through the steps of line (d), the owner of a dedicated wareroom or manufacturing factory or their legal representative demands for transfer of goods to their wareroom.
  2.  Offering the necessary obligation to protect and maintenance the goods
  3.  Referring to the liable of evacuation and loading to coordinate and establishment evacuation and loading equipment in a dedicated wareroom or factory location

F: The steps to issuance tradable wareroom receipt and provenance certificate and separate wareroom receipt

1- Importers of goods to the zone can hand over all or part of their goods to others against a tradable wareroom receipt that will be issuanced by the zone customs office. In this case, the owner of the tradable wareroom receipt will be considered the owner of the goods .

2- Banks with offering a tradable wareroom receipt and certificate of provenance and an authentic copy of original or the original waybill can take action towards to opening the validity of documents against the mentioned documents in favor of the owners of goods (Iranian or foreign) according to the Bank's directives and instructions currency of Central Islamic Republic of Iran.

3- The zone is allowed to acting out to export a certificate of provenance for goods that get out of the zone according to the demandant's request.

4- Necessary documents for issuance a tradable wareroom receipt

4-1- Offering the original wareroom receipt and underwriting by the owner

4-2 - Offering the inquiry letter of non-debt (Article 7) of the goods owner from the customs established in the zone

4-3- Offering a notarized power of attorney from a real-Legal person or presence of the vendor or purchaser

4-4- Offering a bank receipt in the missionary of 600 thousand Rials for issuance a tradable wareroom receipt to the account number 4001048004010609 of National Bank in the name of Payam Air Services

5- Necessary documents for issuance the certificate of provenance

5-1 - Offering the original wareroom receipt

5-2 - Offering the original certificate of provenance

5-3 - presentment of order registration

5-4- Offering a bank in the missionary of 600 thousand Rials for issuance a certificate to the account number 4001048004010609 of National Bank in the name of Payam Air Services

6- Necessary documents for issuance separate wareroom receipts

6-1- Offering the original wareroom receipt

6-2- Offering a letter from the customs established in the zone based on the separation of goods

6-3- Offering a notarized power of attorney from the representative owner of goods or presence of the owner of goods

6-4- Offering bank receipt in the missionary of 500.00 Rials for issuance a separate wareroom receipt to the account number 4001048004010609 of National Bank in the name of Payam Air Services

G: The steps to clearance and outlet of goods from the region by customs placed in Payam Special Economic Zone

1- Offering a declaration to the circle of  identity authentication and documents matching

2- Referring to the responsible for the evaluation service for determine the evaluator

3- Referring to wareroom to obtaining the inventory and evaluate the goods

4- Referring to the value circle to determine or confirm the value of goods after validation of valuator and expert

5- Referring to the bank

6- Referring to the issuance of license department

7- Referring to the expert and responsible for the evaluation service or representative of the head of customs for the final signing of customs license

8- Referring to the customs affairs responsible of the zone to determine and pay the costs related to the zone (construction complications - insurance - evacuate and loading - warerooming) and obtain a bank receipt

9- Referring to exit door of customs in order to control and allow the loading the goods

10- Referring to the ledger office of wareroomes to obtain a loading permit from the zone

11- Referring to the wareroome and loading the goods to the measure inserted in the customs license and obtain the exit receipt and settlement of the relevant offices 

12- Referring to the customs license and receipt to exit door of the customs for registration in the office of the exit door

13- Taking action to exit goods with a customs license or issuanced rules
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